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Board of Directors:

An elected council of members of the General Assembly to carry out the tasks set forth in Article thirty-two (32) of the executive regulation and the mandated tasks to the board in the basic regulation in accordance with the executive regulation.

Members of the Board of Directors:


Standing or temporary committees are formed by the Board of Directors through a mechanism outlined in the basic regulation. These committees specify specializations and methods of work, and one of the Board members should be a member of one of the committees.

The Executive Team:

The Executive team consists of the Executive Director and the employees of the association who carry out tasks mandated by the board of directors and committees.

  • Hassa Marwan AlSudairy – CEO
  • Sultan mubarak aldhirgham – Programs Specialist
  • Mohammed Abdullah Almasoud – Membership specialist
  • Rehab mohammed ghunemy – Events Specialist